Friday, September 9, 2011

libevent2 mingw

Tried libevent2 libevent-2.0.13-stable.tar.gz 
on MinGW.

Didn't work.

event-config.h wasn't being created by make..

The make target was

./include/event2/event-config.h: config.h
/usr/bin/mkdir -p ./include/event2
echo '/* event2/event-config.h' > $@
echo ' *' >> $@
echo ' * This file was generated by autoconf when libevent was built, and post-' >> $@
echo ' * processed by Libevent so that its macros would have a uniform prefix.' >> $@
echo ' *' >> $@
echo ' * DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE.' >> $@
echo ' *' >> $@
echo ' * Do not rely on macros in this file existing in later versions.'>> $@
echo ' */' >> $@
echo '#ifndef _EVENT2_EVENT_CONFIG_H_' >> $@
echo '#define _EVENT2_EVENT_CONFIG_H_' >> $@

sed -e 's/#define /#define _EVENT_/' \
   -e 's/#undef /#undef _EVENT_/' \
   -e 's/#ifndef /#ifndef _EVENT_/' < config.h >> $@
echo "#endif" >> $@

Since MSYS' make failed to create event-config.h .. here is the shell script

echo '/* event2/event-config.h' > $f
echo ' *' >> $f
echo ' * This file was generated by autoconf when libevent was built, and post-' >> $f
echo ' * processed by Libevent so that its macros would have a uniform prefix.' >> $f
echo ' *' >> $f
echo ' * DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE.' >> $f
echo ' *' >> $f
echo ' * Do not rely on macros in this file existing in later versions.'>> $f
echo ' */' >> $f
echo '#ifndef _EVENT2_EVENT_CONFIG_H_' >> $f
echo '#define _EVENT2_EVENT_CONFIG_H_' >> $f
sed -e 's/#define /#define _EVENT_/' \
-e 's/#undef /#undef _EVENT_/' \
-e 's/#ifndef /#ifndef _EVENT_/' < config.h >> $f
echo "#endif" >> $f